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Municipal Code

Code of Ordinances

City of Mountain Home, Arkansas


  1. General Provisions
  2. Classification, Administration and Personnel
  3. Fiscal Affairs
  4. Business Licenses and Regulations
  5. Health and Sanitation
  6. Animals and Fowl
  7. Public Peace, Safety and Morals
  8. Vehicles and Traffic
  9. Streets and Sidewalks
  10. Utilities
  11. Buildings and Construction
  12. Parks and Recreation
  13. Planning
  14. Zoning
  15. Subdivisions Regulations

    List of updates

                                                             March 2024 Update

Uncodified Ordinances:
2023-45 Rezone 304 W. 6th Street from R-1 to C-3
2024-1 Water and Sewer Rates
2024-2 Adopts Updated City Code
2024-3 Disbands 1954 Parks Commission
2024-4 Updates Drug-Free Workplace Policy
2024-5 Adopts Updated Personnel Policy Handbook
2024-6 Rezone Coley Drive and Arkansas Avenue
2024-7 Accept Final Plat for Glenbriar Commons
2024-8 Delete 7.16.01 from City Code
2024-9 Rezone 1334 Hwy 62W from R-1 to C-2
2024-10 Accept Final Plat and Dedications for Sycamore Flats Dev
2024-11 Adopt Updated Personnel Policy Handbook (2024 v.2)
2024-12 Wholesale Water Rates
2024-13 Repeals Public Facilities Board
2024-14 Updated Fireworks Regulations
2024-15 Updating Job Classifications
2024-16 Updating Wage Scale
2024-17 Abandon Utility Easement Lots 86, 87 Big Creek Phase I
2024-18 Rezone Big Creek Estates property R1 to R4
2024-19 Removal razing condemnation 1417 Hallmark Circle
2024-20 Defining city clerk duties and pay (Repeals 2014-17 and  2022-48)
2024-21 Rezone south 900 block of Hwy 5 North from R-1 to C-2 (Cash Enterprises)
2024-22 Rezone property from C-3 to R-4 (Sycamore Properties)
2024-23 Adjusts city wage scale (3 percent COLA 2025)
2025-1 Employees doing business with the City
2025-2 Permits for installation of fire suppression, fire alarms and sprinklers
2025-3 Sets $10,000 limit on sale of equipment without bids
2025-4 Raises bid waiver purchasing threshold to $42,500
2025-5 Annex C-2 Highway 5 North Cash Bloodline
2025-6 Zoning clarification for West End development
2025-7 Final plat and dedications for Phase II Freedom's Landing
2025-8 Splits City Engineer into Civil Engineer I and II
2025-9 Sets residential and commercial water and sewer rates
2025-10 Updated animal control

Wide view of downtown Mountain Home