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10-2023 Street Committee Minutes

Street Committee Meeting

October 17, 2023 - 12:30 p.m.


The meeting was called to order at 12:30 p.m.

Present were Scott Manchester, Assistant Director of Streets; Jim Bodenhamer, Paige Evans and Jennifer Baker, Committee members; Arnold Knox and Steve Hill.

The Street Report for the month of September 2023 was reviewed.

Work at the access road to the new community center has started up again.   Scott reported to the committee that the crews were split today, and the new crew will start tomorrow out there at the access road.

Drainage culvert is going in, and curbs will be poured tomorrow, and it is coming along well.  He said he wanted the new crew to be working along side of another construction crew because they are new.  The cost to the access road through September 30th is $92,466.27.   Rock is being hammered and hauled off at the community center's gymnasium.  The dirt work will be finished tomorrow.  Once this is done, select fill will be hauled back in to where it is needed to grade for the contractor.  Jennifer asked if we were getting the whole site preparations done. Scott told the committee all the dirt work will be completed by the Street Department.  Arnold added, they will be getting all the buildings ready for concrete.  Jim asked what cost percentage of the whole project will the Street Department incur.  Arnie said the Street Department work alone, including pools and structures, he estimates at 5%.  He said we will have parking lots and everything else, including the asphalt.  Scott added, there are some retaining walls that will need to be built, besides all the parking lots, sidewalk, and curbs.  He said when the three building pads are ready for the contractors, there will still be a lot of dirt to move for parking lots.  Arnie added, it will be a two-year process.  The cost through September 30 is $30,738.00.

Scott reported asphalt has been placed at the Bike Path Phase 2.  He said it had been completed yesterday so it is done from McCabe Park to the college.  He added, there are some handrails that need to be installed before it is open to the public.  Paige said there were comments made about the low water bridge and concerns of it flooding when there is rainfall.  Scott said if there was something big enough to carry the water flow, it would be enormous.  He said, this low water bridge is designed to overflow.  Arnold added, it took approximately six months to get approval from FEMA on this low water bridge.  He said the bridge must be widened out so the flood level is not raised, and even though it will get topped the drainage will pass.  After it does flood, whatever is left will get swept off.  Paige asked if we were in the county at all; Arnie said it was all in the city limits.   Jennifer asked how often that floods and Arnie estimated five to six times a year it does.  Scott said it looks good and the guys did a great job on it.  The cost to the Bike Path Phase 2 is $230,800.55. 

Scott told the Committee 1st Street had been paved last week and is almost completed.  He said there are drop inlet boxes that need to be filled.  The cost through September 30th is $207,976.52.  Conway Street was also paved last week, and finishing the drop inlets are what is left to do over there.  The cost to Conway Street is $202,690.67.  Next month's report will show total costs for both completed projects. 

The North Church Street Rebuild is going well, with that crew working on curbing.  They had gotten into some rock near the highway that is being hammered out for the pipe, and the curbing is about half done, but it is coming along good.  It will be about 2 or 3 weeks before the street gets dug out to get ready for asphalt.  The cost to North Church Street totals $32,187.24. 

Maintenance for the month of September is $35,327.23.  They have started milling various streets for overlays, including Walker Street off North College St., Lake Street, Hargrave, Highland Circle off Cardinal Drive, Overlook Drive and Mary.  They have been mowing right of ways, trimming trees, and started hanging Christmas lights at the college.

Jennifer asked if we were fully staffed, and Scott told the Committee yes, and there is an Equipment Operator starting next Monday.

Jim asked if there was anything on the Budget that needs to be addressed, and Scott said it looks good.  Arnie added, prices are being discussed for a new laydown machine and the Street Department took delivery of a new Roller last week.  He said the laydown machine will not be delivered until sometime next year.  Arnie reported to the Committee he has been working on the Budget with Alma, putting Capital funds in their own restricted line item for when they are ordered and not delivered until a year or two later.  There was more discussion on the Capital purchases and the Budget. 

Tim Simon asked to speak with the Committee concerning his mother-in-law's property at 303 Cherry Lane.   He explained there is a concrete ditch that runs behind the properties on Cherry Lane, but it stops at her property.   Since there isn't a concrete ditch across the back of her property, any drainage from this ditch flows into her yard.  This includes brush, limbs, and trash.  The brush and trees are so overgrown on the bank, and it is just a mess over there.  He asked if there was anything that could be done.  Arnie said back when the concrete ditch was put in, the residents that lived along that section at that time didn't want to give easement to the city, so it was left natural.  Arnie told Mr. Simon, there is about four or five lots that need easements.   If the other homeowners grant easement, there is a process of permits to apply for, including FEMA, Game & Fish, the Historical Society and ADEQ before the concrete ditch would be built.   He said, after the easements are signed, and the applications are approval and completed, it will be about four or five years before anything would be started.  Scott asked if the easements were signed, could we not go in and clean it out?  Arnie said yes, we could get the ADC inmates out there to clean along the creek.  That would be the start, Arnie said.  Scott added, this is done to a lot of creeks throughout the city, where the inmates will come out and clean up the banks.  Mr. Simon said any clean up would be good, because when the water rises, it undercuts the banks and trees are ready to fall into the creek.  He said, his mother-in-law can't call her insurance company to clean up someone else's mess.  Jennifer asked what the process was to get easements.  Arnie said plats would have to be researched to find out the property owner.   Mr. Simon told the Committee he can't imagine someone not wanting to get their place cleaned up.  Arnie and the committee agreed, there are some. Paige asked when the last time easements were requested, and Arnie said probably in the 1980's.   She said there are probably a lot of new owners in that area and maybe they will give easement.  She also said there is another piece of property by the Industrial Park that is going through the same issue.   Arnie said he would get the engineer to do some surveying and get the process started.   There was more discussion about flooding issues on properties and what steps are taken to get drainage issues taken care of. 

The meeting was adjourned at 12:51 p.m.







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